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Review by
Cheetah’s Primal is the kind of
CD that does everything right. Do you like ballads? There are three of
them here. Melodic rockers with sing-along choruses? Chock-a-block full
of ‘em. Heavy songs with fast guitar solos and plenty of screams? No
problem …All in all, the band is tight musically, the vocalist is
skilled, and the songwriting is sound. The only reason a band like this
isn’t huge today is because people have horrible taste in music today.
Definitely check out Damn Cheetah’s Primal.
Review by aorheaven.com
High octane US melodic hard rock somewhere
between the finest moments of Kix, Britny Fox and McQueen Street
featuring ex. N.R.G. singer Les Brown - truly a first class
Review by theloudestrock.com
Damn Cheetah is a release that has been talked about for sometime
now. And now that it is here it was well worth the wait! Fronted by
vocalist Les Brown, who had a hit song on The Transformers
Movie soundtrack back in the mid 80's with his then band NRG.
But that was then and this is now. Les is a different singer and the
song on that soundtrack is a different style that is represented here
with this collection of songs on "Primal".
The band is described as a 'melodic yet bluesy-based rock' band. Damn
Cheetah is a band that could easily been on the same bill as
CINDERELLA & BRINTY FOX. Les's vocals are hard and edgy and
the type of voice you come across only now and then. He can scream like
the gods and hold a note without a crackle in it. 'Gritty' is a good way
to describe the vocal style of "Primal".
Carl's guitar style reminds me a lot of Mark Kendall of GREAT
WHITE. He plays an amazing rock blues lead and rhythm on the album.
Not over the top and in your face, which is good, because there are lots
of little guitar parts that could easily be missed if the mix was
louder. These little guitar parts you hear at times puts it stamp on
"Primal", which sets it aside from other albums. It makes it, it's own
entity. With the back beats and rhythm by Anthony and Dante keep each
track flowing one from the next.
The songs are fun and easy to follow. "Primal" is full of catchy lyrics
and strong riffs. It's too bad the CD came out after summer because this
a 'cruisin'' CD at it's best. The album opens strong with the title
track Damn Cheetah. Starts of similar to Dokken's "Into The
Fire", but after the initial opening the comparisons stop and the
song forms into it's own sound. Songs like "Some Kinda Woman", "King
Of The Hill" & "Gimme Gimme" are standouts simply because of the
musical style in rhythm and raspy vocals.
Where other CDs lack in ballads, "Primal" has 3! Ballad lovers will
rejoice with these ballads! Acoustic guitar and powerful chorus' bring
"Forever" right out of the CD. "Without Your Love", has a
"Save Your Love" (Great White) style to it. Starts off with the
acoustic guitar, soft vocals and a stead underlying beat to it, as it
builds to a full on soaring ballad climax. "Tonight", is a
classic in the wings. This is the definitive ballad for the album. One
of the best ballads I ever heard! The song itself has the 'classic'
elements of a great ballad, but the way "Tonight" is put together
and played and sung make this an incredible song. It builds to a great
middle that makes you forget you are listening to a ballad, and then
after the solo, brings you right back into the groove of things. Ballad
or rocker, this is easily one of the BEST tracks on this CD and one of
the BEST released anywhere in a long time! THANKS GUYS!
DAMN CHEETAH: "P R I M A L" 8 out of 10!
Review by AOR-Europe.com
XYZ, Poison, Skid Row...if you've got albums from these bands in
your record collection, you might make room for Damn Cheetah in there as
well. Just like fellow label mates TNA, No More Johnny and Pyn Siren,
Damn Cheetah have their roots in the hard rock of the eighties. In fact
they might be the most authentic sounding "hair metal" band out of them
all, and unlike many of the bands of the era, they have more than just
the right clothes and hairdos - they have good songs.
The album gets a great start with three good, fun rockers ("Damn
Cheetah","Maybe Tomorrow" and "If U Like What U See") and a classy
ballad "Forever And A Day". Then it's two rockers again, "Love Thunder"
which sounds a bit like Extreme, and the "groovy", Aerosmith-like "My
Kinda Woman". "Without Your Love" is the second of the ballads, and
again a very good one. The next three tracks are all uptempo rockers,
but not really among the strongest tracks. However, the band has saved
something special until the very end, as "Tonight" is a brilliant
balladic track with some cool surprises.
A "damn" good debut album, and most definitely another band to keep
an eye - or ear - on. And damn (oops...), vocalist Les Brown sounds
exactly like Terry Ilous of XYZ on some songs. Are these guys related or
DAMN CHEETAH: "P R I M A L" 90 out of 100!
Review by
Whitesnake and Y&T fans will enjoy the
rocking debut release from New York's Damn Cheetah. Their music, whilst
reminding me of the aforementioned bands also reminds me of a little
known act called Defcon who
a cracking set of melodic hard rock demos around the same time these
guys started, only Defcon had Rudy Sarzo produce their demos, that's not
a knock at Damn Cheetah but isn't it ironic how albums like this get
released, yet Defcon still remain and undiscovered classic locked away
in Sarzo's vault somewhere gathering dust.
You know I really like Damn Cheetah. The production is good and all
the songs rock the way they should, what more could you ask for? A third
Damn Yankees maybe (smile)? As the story goes, had Damn Cheetah put out
this album back then, chances are today we may well have cited them
along the like of bands like XYZ, Tesla etc... Anyway onto to what
matters - the music. The band are fronted by former NRG singer Les Brown
who had a song featured in the movie Transformers.
The album kicks off with 'Damn
Cheetah' and its rock 'n' roll
all the way, I couldn't believe the range on Les Brown's voice, hell it
may as well be Coverdale singing all the way, this song sound like the
sister to Whitesnake's 'Kitten's Got Claws"' from "Slip Of The Tongue"
and borrows it's chorus, it's fun and it rocks. 'Maybe
Tomorrow' is more sensational
eighties hard rock with a killer chorus, this song is like XYZ and Tesla
crossed with Quiet Riot and Whitesnake. It's also very melodic and the
chorus is just wicked.
'If You Like What You See'
is all drums, guitars, it's a romping rocker which reminds me of
Cinderella. Next up is the very melodic ballad 'Forever
And A Day', then it's back to
the chunky slabs of hard rock with the killer 'Love
Thunder', check out the killer
vocal screams on this sucka, very Whitesnake circa "SOTT". This is
followed by 'Some Kinda Woman'
which is more raunchy hard rock. 'Without
Your Love' is as you have
guessed, a ballad, but it's a good one, close your eyes and you can feel
the lighters burning, a massive ballad with a glorious dreamy chorus.
'Gimme Gimme'
is another of the albums highlights, it's a hot fun rocker and is
most addictive. 'King Of
The Hill' fools around with
acoustic guitars, once again Les Brown sounds massive and the song as a
whole reminds me of Tesla, and I'm a massive Tesla fan, so this gets the
thumbs up. 'Hungry For
Love' is a commercial rocker,
the hooks remind me of some Mr.Big material, especially their song
'Temperamental' from "Bump Ahead", go and listen and notice the same
kind of riffs. Again the Coverdale wrenched vocals of Brown are very
good and this song is one of my favourites on the album as it is just so
damn (cough) catchy.
The Europe sounding 'Tonight'
is a big melodic power ballad graced with delicate keyboards that sound
like Heart's 'Alone', this is the best ballad on the album and it huge
and the perfect way to end the album with Les Brown crooning away like
Joey Tempest, the chorus really rocks and is catchy as hell, classic
stuff with top notch guitar licks from Carl Fragnito.
Damn Cheetah is a massive album, let's hope they get to make a bigger
and better second album. Make sure you buy this one, great stuff.
Nicky Baldrian
. . . |
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