Digital Download MP3

Les Brown -Vocals
Ernie Burns -Guitar
Lee Mangano -Drums
Pat Lynch -Bass
NRG is fronted by rock veteran Les Brown on lead vocals a native
of Boston Massachusetts.
His belting vocals and piercing screams reach out and grab you by
the ears and don't let go!
The band is a musically driven engine with all pistons firing by
long time rock veterans Lee Mangano on drums and Pat Lynch on bass
a rhythm section that is second to none rounded out with Ernie
Burns on guitar. NRG has had the pleasure of
sharing the stage with some great artists such as the Goo Goo
Dolls, Extreme, Joan Jett, UFO, Nazareth, Blue Oyster Cult, Kix, Judas
Priest just to name a few. NRG, a Rhode Island based metal
wrecking machine that started out from very humble beginnings
rehearsing in a chicken coup that was internally covered wall to
wall with rugs to deaden the sound so they could hone their
musical craft then, achieved worldwide success with the release of
"Instruments of Destruction" featured on the Transformers: The
Movie and the CBS/Scotti Brothers soundtrack. Recently
encompassing sales with the Rhino re-release of the DVD and
soundtrack has sold close to a million units of its various
Transformer reissues, with the Transformers: The Movie DVD
actually making it into the Billboard Top 15!
The DVD and soundtrack showcase the heavy laden signature sound
that turned NRG's Instruments of Destruction" into an
internationally recognized song that all TF:TM fans worldwide know
and love because it still stands the test of time. According to
vocalist Les Brown ...the Instruments of Destruction era for the
band was one our most fulfilling times in our musical careers we
are very proud to have had a part in the animated classic
Transformers:The Movie... no if's and's or but's! The song
was produced by Phil Green and he sprinkled his magic on their
recording sessions at Normandy Sound Studios in Warren RI.
(Phil by the way has worked with a lot of unknown people such as New Kids
on The Block, Steve Smith, Billy Cobham etc.)
NRG has been churning out memorable songs since the mid 80's and
is set to unleash a new and even heavier sound soon.
NRG will be releasing a new album in the future and have joined
forces with ???? (We can't say right now...check back often... who
will be slinging the six string razors going forward. Check out
singer Les Brown’s latest release Damn Cheetah it's melodic hard
rock at it's best.
Stay tuned for all NRG/Damn Cheetah info at: and
N . R . G .
Transformers:The Movie
Soundtrack released!
NRG featured on
"TransFormers -The Movie" Soundtrack.
Lee Mangano (drums) &
Les "having a bad hair day" Brown (vocals) with unknown!
While roaming the
streets of NYC we ran into this guy...he said he was an actor...
Ya Damn Bum! Get
A Real Job!.. ; ) Later we attended
the Transformers Party
at Studio54 in NYC
hanging out with Robert Stack and other folks from the movie
Hmmm...and I think we may have had a cold beverage or two!
Rhino Home
Video Release reaches 500,000+ Units!
Award to commemorate
sales in excess of 500,000 units of the
Rhino Home Video Release of Transformers :The Movie.
Hanging out
with the Axmen from Judus Priest!

NRG with
Judas Priest.
Lee Mangano (drums), Les Brown (vocals), and Pat Lynch (bass)
from NRG hang out with Priest guitarists
K.K.Downing & Glenn Tipton.
Hanging out
with Robert Stack from TF:TM!
This picture of Robert Stack was shot
outside of Studio54 in
NYC at the TF:TM Party!
...more to come